Evidence is a very important factor when it comes to player reports. Therefore, certain criteria must be given to consider a report valid.

There’re two types of evidence: screenshots and videos.

Creating valid evidence screenshots

- A screenshot must always show the entire game screen

- A screenshot must not be edited

- Optimally the screenshot shows the server and channel info (Key: H)

- A screenshot clearly shows the reported incident (e.g. chat messages, etc.)

This is a sample of a valid screenshot:

How to create a fullscreen browser screenshot

We recommend to use browser plugins like „GoFullPage“ in order to create proper fullscreen screenshots of the game.

This browser plugin is available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge:


For mobile devices you can simply use the built in screenshot tool of your device.

Creating valid evidence videos

Sometimes a screenshot is not enough to clearly show an infraction. In this case we need a video instead of a screenshot.

- A video must always show the entire game screen

- A video must not be edited (e.g. for hiding certain parts of the game screen)

- Optimally the video shows the server and channel info (Key: H)

- A video clearly shows the reported incident (e.g. the reported misbehaviour, etc.)

How to create a fullscreen browser video

We recommend to use the „Open Broadcasting Software“ (OBS) to create videos of your browser window.

OBS is available for Windows, MacOS 10.13+ and Linux:


Since videos usually have big file sizes, you can use external platforms to host the video (like youtube.com) and mention the link to the video in your report.

※ Please be aware that we can not accept any evidence which does not follow these guidelines!